Specialty Services

You provide a specialized service to people, a business, or a community. Perhaps you are with a church and record worship services or special gatherings. Maybe you are a photographer capturing images of life around us, or, as a funeral home service, supporting families by documenting images of lives well-lived. Your business may provide an inspection service that captures digital data such as measurements or video. Provide content on disc and add another revenue stream to your business.


Funeral homes are always searching for new and unique services to help a grieving family at the time of loss. A memorial DVD tribute brings comfort and consolation as it honors and celebrates the life of a loved one. Played during the reception, it helps personalize the event and offers family and friends a loving keepsake. Provide a professionally-made unique and lasting memorial, branded for your business.


Your church has long known that recording and distributing services, special musical programs, and guest speakers is a way to broaden your ministry and generate profitable revenue. The wide penetration of CD and DVD players and Rimage disc publishing solutions provide an opportunity to extend your messaging to a broad audience.


When you perform your inspections, you go places that others cannot easily access. Whether looking inside infrastructure such as plumbing lines, examining the underside of a bridge, sending a drone to inspect high-wire facilities, or performing a home inspection prior to sale, you are gathering valuable data. Rimage systems provide an easy, cost-effective way to generate and distribute your results to your clients.


Successful event management, from concerts to speaking engagements and tradeshows to corporate celebrations, requires careful planning and execution. When the event concludes, make the most of all that hard work by distributing a DVD of the event to attendees or selling a DVD online to those who couldn’t attend. Production is easy and affordable, with professional, high-quality results.

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